Pros & Cons to Sunless Tanning

Pros & Cons to Sunless Tanning

by Jenny Kang (Guest Author - FIT Major in Fragrance and Cosmetics).

  Spring and Summer is just around the corner. So, what does that mean? Sun, sun and more sun! Another hot season full of beach babes and tanning obsessions, begin soon.  It appears the desire to have that “bronzed” look won’t die down anytime soon, so get ready to an influx of sunless tanning products in beauty stores and featured on many Instagram photos.  

While most people resort to laying down for hours out in the sun waiting for their skin to brown at least a little bit, the others who prefer immediate results choose to use sunless tanners (lotions, creams, sprays). Sunless tanners tend to have the misconception of being bad for the skin, but actually it is quite harmless– unless you intentionally inhale or ingest the product. So whether you’re looking to get that summer-kissed lookor just want to redefine your tan, consider sunless tanners rather than your traditional method of tanning.

Here are some pros and cons to both methods! 

  • Sunless Tanning is a safer alternative to traditional tanning.
  • Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is an ingredient found in the sunless self-tanners, and it will only stain the outermost layer of the skin, says Dr. Darrel Rigel, a clinical professor of dermatology at New York University.
  • There is no data to show that DHA in the tanning lotions is harmful to the skin. Compared to the well-established risks of sun exposure, topical self-tanning lotions are a safer option.
  • It is quickerbecause you do not need to bake in the sun for hours to get a tan.
  • You can adjust how dark you want to go by tanning more or less frequently.
  • The skin retains its youthful appearance because you are not drying the skin out from the harmful UV rays of the sun.
  • One risk is to look out for allergic reactions like you would with any other cosmetic.
  • When using a sunless tanner during the day, it is still important to apply SPF, especially when you’re going outside.
  • The result might not always be consistent because if you miss one spot, the tan will turn out uneven.  
  • When spray tanning, you must be sure to protect your mouth and nose so you don’t inhale any DHA or it might enter the bloodstream and will cause negative side effects, like the increase in risk of cancer.

All in all, sunless tanning is safe to do in small doses.I personally have always thought that sunless tanning products would be more harmful because we, as consumers, tend to get intimidated by chemicals or unfamiliar ingredients in products. However, after doing loads of research, the pros of sunless tanning outweigh the cons.
#sunkissed #bronzedbeauty #saynotoskincancer 

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