The Dilemma of Moral Relativism

If you think life is a journey, here’s a reminder of the signposts.

The following is a True/False quiz that gauges your level of consciousness and your propensity for objective thought.

Answer candidly and consider wisely...

True or False?

  1. People cannot just do what they want, even if they do not harm anyone else or other living beings.
  2. Some form of government is required in society, otherwise there will be chaos and anarchy. All people need an authority to rule over them, for their own good.
  3. What is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ is relative according to perspective. People can select what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ according to their opinion, and then enforce it upon others through Law.
  4. We must always respect other people’s point of view.
  5. Exactly the same action, can be ‘right’ in one situation, but ‘wrong’ in another situation.
  6. It is right for governments to fight wars, in the name of peace, freedom and empire, and helping oppressed people abroad who are often too simplistic to govern themselves, or do not know what is good for themselves.
If you answered True to one, or several, of the questions above — consider yourself a ‘Moral Relativist’. If you answered True for all six questions — you are the epitome of moral relativism, demonstrating the success of entrainment programmes deployed against you, by culture-sculpting chiefs (which you believe is just entertainment that relaxes you).

If you answered False to all of the questions above — consider yourself a free-spirited, morally objective human being who can discern between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, fair and unfair, broken and fixed, as well as, substance and bullshit.


In some respects, there are only two groups of people in the World today — 'moral relativists' and 'moral realists'.

Moral realists believe that there are some moral values that are objective. Typically, these are eventually whittled down to ‘harming others’, damaging ‘living beings’ and the ecosystems they inhabit. 'Objective' means that these values would hold as valid or true, even if nobody on Earth agreed with them, or whether there were any people on Earth to heed such moral principles in the first place. Objectivity means fixed and immutable conditions that cannot be argued away, or governed over, or legislated.

Moral relativists, in contrast, generally hold that all moral values are generated or constructed out of one’s cultures and beliefs. Moral relativists conclude that morality is entirely dictated by human opinion, regardless of how well organised those opinions are. From the overwhelming fear that millions of conflicting opinions cannot be agreed upon by millions of different people, the justification and pretext for ‘government’ is then created. 

Moral relativists believe that reality can be different for each individual observer, with arbitrary values set in their minds according to prevailing desires — they believe that there no moral values or conditions beyond ‘human culture’ or the perceived level of ‘civilisation’ they are currently occupying.

Having considered the above, and having taken the quiz, the following is absolutely true: The scourge of the Earth, and the bedrock of all dis-ease, be it personal or macroeconomic, is ‘moral relativism’.

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