The "Martial" and The Law; Crafting for a Better Philippines

Few days had passed since the President of the Philippines (His Excellency, Honorable President Rodrigo Roa Duterte) declared Martial in Mindanao.  His decisive act to control the terror in Mindanao gave a more secured atmosphere to the surrounding cities outside Marawe City.  Most of the citizens in the Republic of the Philippines are in a confusing state of understanding as to how the present Martial Law (2017) is liken to the previous Martial Law we have before.  We cannot deny that people try to rationalize the present case with the Martial Law during 1970s.  I believe that when Martial Law is mentioned what will come to the minds of the Filipinos is the TORTURE AND ABUSE…. which will sum-up to a conclusive idea that Martial Law is equal to political abuse.  Most of the people in congress and even in the Senate are anticipating as to what would be the next step of President Duterte. 

  If we think deeper, the laymen's definition and the purpose of Martial Law is nothing but to protect the civilians or the common people just like you and me.  THE PROBLEM IN POLITICS IS NOT ABOUT MARTIAL LAW BUT THE ABUSE OF POLITICAL POWER. Even there is no martial law but abuse of power either in congress or in the senate is being executed then there is still a concern of POLITICAL ABUSE…through late passing of new bills for example is worse than martial law.  Likewise, the significance of Martial Law at the present case of Marawi Siege is necessary to suppress the spillover of terror around the neighboring cities of Marawi. In an academic context, Frankopan (2016) mentioned in his journal “the Silk Road” that Superpower Rivalry in the region of Euro Asia and the ASEANs are indispensable due to the enormous natural wealth we have in Euro Asia and ASEAN.  What President Duterte is trying to execute is to defend the interest of the motherland and the Filipino people especially the people of Marawi.  Thus, Yuval Noah Harari in his book Sapiens gave the emphatic timeline of mankind from 13.5 billion years ago until to the present civilization. 

According to his journal after the (year 200) industrial revolution (Present) men starts to transcend the boundaries of planet Earth.  Nuclear weapons threaten the survival of human kind. And organisms are increasingly shaped by intelligent design rather than natural selection.   The gradual evolution of humans since the time of the Neanderthals and the discovery of fire, everything that men experienced through times are subject to the development of civilization.  What we are experiencing today in the Marawi crisis is subject to the adjustments of civilization from the actual populace of Marawi.  According to Fukuyama (2015) politics must develop in such a way that the general public will benefit for their daily living.  In the case of Marawi, what the president is executing is for the national security of the people of Marawi and the whole archipelago.   Furthermore, Fukuyama suggests that Rule of Law is vital to the economic improvement, of a nation. In the case of the Philippines at the moment, law must be implemented in accordance to the intensity of the political crisis in the Philippines.  Our country Philippines is like an ailing person with incurable disease, a more serious political measure must be executed in order to create a balance between insurgency and peace.  In support to that notion, Fukuyama (2012) further suggested that evolution of politics may still occur in some places of the world today.  In the case of Marawi, Law and Justice may not in accordance to the tribal society of the region.  Thus, Law and Justice must adhere to the civil behavior of a given population.

  Hence we need to give our trust to our President regarding this matter, He gave his service to the people of Davao before and the people of Davao trusted him. Then why not give him our unanimous support for the betterment of our country.  He is our elected President and I’m sure he has the obligation to protect us under the law.  His untiring foreign trips for example will give our country more lucrative business possibilities that we the people are not aware of.  

This is not a political matter but take for example, if I ask every Filipino citizen- who is having a more beautiful and smooth skin… the Russians or the Japanese? Not all of us can answer that simple question.  But our President can answer every aspect of political interest for our country from his diplomatic trips around the world.  Sometimes we need to GIVE HIM OUR TRUST AND CONFIDENCE as a father to our motherland.  He never failed the people of Davao how much more to the people of the Philippines (Mayor ug ikaw pa but-on kinsa man gyud hamis ug kotes… ang Russian o ang Hapon?) Hint-Papel de Hapon

Chillax lang gud.... Martial Law Para Mana sa Kaayohan (Abi kay Martial Law dili nalang jud ta ka tiaw-tiaw?)

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