Change Your Life with the Power of your Mind

Did you know that it's easier to think negativethoughts than to think positivethoughts? That is because the mind is always in protection mode. Seeing the negative shows danger signs which edifies the brain’s natural defense mechanism brought about by scared thoughts, which then leads’ to becoming your belief.


Let go of negativity instead focus on achievement and success. To become optimistic you must learn to love yourself fully and trust in God's ability to assist you as you choose to allow all good to come to you. Follow your heart. Love others and allow negativity to flow through you, not become stuck in you. Take your ideas of that which you want and write them down, then read your "future" daily with faith in your heart that all things are indeed attainable. Only ponder and reflect or meditate when you are when you are in happy and at peace, this will enable you to connect with your high-self which will open the way to communicate with your heart and mind, thus, balancing the body, mind and spirit.

Doing so with shift the neurons pathways in your brain from that of lack to that of immense abundance, remember, you are a spiritual being, allow your higher-self to lead your way, trust your intuition and then take the inspired action by taking action. As the familiar saying goes, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink." Do yourself a favor, and drink "life" in! You deserve all the happiness, health and wealth as you were created to be.


Focus on what you goals and dreams as though you were living your that which now to reprogram your brain by identifying your negative thoughts and replacing them with five to seven positive thoughts to defuse that memory, pretty soon you will have no emotional pull to it. You will feel free and filled with joy! Being positive and seeing your life positively than you will activate the neural resonance in the brain, then you will have connection and cooperation with all you need to manifest your dreams.

Focus on your goals each day, see yourself as you desire. Learn how to release the desire to react and allow yourself to reflect on your inner emotions to be able to act consciously. If you try to fight negative emotions you will be stuck try your energy, leaving you lifeless in spirit and desire. Learn how to consciously choose your thoughts by practicing it having a positive mental attitude you desire which will allow your brain to work optimally in attracting that which is needed to bring your dreams to fruition.


Believe in all that you are.  You are an amazing human being.  You were created to become all that you desire to be.  Believe in your innate abilities to create.  Trust God by walking in hope and faith daily.   When you are in your bliss you are master of you mind.  Embrace life to the fullest by loving and serving others in need, share a smile and allow your heart to lead your way.... And believe that the BEST is yet to come!

Thanks for reading, until next time... Liv Fit! Train Hard! Liv Happy!

Carol Whitaker
Embrace Your Journey to Success
Lifestyle Fitness Coach & Life Success Coach 

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