20 Things That Can Ruin Your Smile (Part 4)


smile-coffeeHot drinks

brush-teeth-smileYour hot-drink habit may be one reason your teeth look a little dingy.

"Black tea and coffee contain stain-promoting tannins that lodge into the pits and grooves of the tooth enamel, producing a rough, stained surface, which is sticky and can retain decay-producing bacteria," says Halpern.

Consume such beverages in moderation, drink more water every day, and add milk to your coffee or tea to help neutralize the acids, says Perle.


As you age, you're more susceptible to decay near old fillings or root surfaces unprotected by receding gums. But there's no reason you can't keep your teeth. Oral disease—not aging per se—is the danger.

Bumping up your fluoride protection is key. And if you have arthritis, there are dental products that can make brushing and flossing less painful.

"Seniors who brush regularly with fluoride toothpaste or use fluoride rinses or gels regularly have fewer cavities," adds Meinecke.

Birth control pills

Because oral contraceptives mimic pregnancy, they can also lead to gum inflammation and infections, including gingivitis.

Additionally, some studies have shown that women who use birth control pills may have more trouble healing after tooth extractions and are twice as likely to develop painful dry sockets where the tooth used to be.

If you use birth control pills, it's not a bad idea to discuss their effect with your dentist before major procedures.


Not flossing

Although many of us are much more diligent about brushing than flossing, they are equally important.

"Flossing every day is one of the best things you can do to take care of your teeth. It's the single most important factor in preventing periodontal disease, which affects more than 50% of adults," says Meinecke.

Flossing helps remove plaque and debris that sticks to teeth and gums, and gives you a brighter smile by polishing the tooth's surface; it even helps control bad breath.

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