US trade gap widens; A call for World Economic Alliance

DAVOS: The US Economic Outlook

The increasing deficit of export percentage of US widens as the import continues its demand causing the population to depend their economic needs from the external commodity supplements.  From 17.1 percent 2012 and increase by 6 percent by 2013, to date the increasing import of overseas product for manufacturing the US made merchandise will cause the US to be dependent in their production from the raw materials of other countries.  

Marc Faber; An Economic Insight from My Twitter Academic Mentor 

What drives business analyst today to study the US economy is the aspect of their export marketing and advertising.  As you can still remember right after world war 2 that US made products sky rocketed its sales across the globe.   But since Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia start to apply the “me-too-production” US is in tremble as to how the rapid copying of technology related products caused the economy of America to slow down until such time that American manufacturing companies starts to import the so called “me-to-products” from China and other Asian countries.

Marketing US products in the world market today demands higher consumer convincing as to the price and the specifications. Notions from economic researchers and other field of sciences like sociology and anthropology suggests that production of basic commodities must be assigned and be specified in certain locale of the globe.  Take for example ASEAN countries can be the food basket of the world, Africa can also be the minerals and mining hub of the world.  Neutralizing and equalizing the commodity of the world needs the participation of every country.  In such manner, academic societies around the world today are finding ways and means to properly manage humanity across the globe.  Innovative insights in Davos for examples will allow the academic thinkers and the business entrepreneurs to synchronize the theory and application of world economic management solutions. 

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