Philippine Economy without America


The rapid shift of International diplomacy and alliances of the new Philippine President (His Excellency, President Rodrigo Rua Duterte PRRD) puzzle the minds of the many Filipino citizens and the International community.  From his last visit to China his decisive speech put the country Philippines into the diplomatic stage that even the attention and the sensibility of the UN congressional meeting cannot surpass. His political move shows the world that US is our ally but we need to think for ourselves as a sovereign country for our territorial rights and the existing dispute in the South China Sea.   

From my previous blog article ( conveys the sensible retraction of some of the treaties and diplomacy from US that may deem stagnant to the overall national economic program of the Philippine government.
Some Filipino citizens may say that to retract from the US economic framework and program will hurt the Philippine economy just like what happened in the Philippine stock market few weeks ago when President Duterte PRRD lambasted the presence of US forces in the South of the Philippines. Granted the economy of the Philippines will slow down for a while due to the fact that the conglomerate investors in the PSE (Philippine Stock Exchange) are mostly from US.  

As a result, the economy will slow down for a while.  Mining companies, engineering companies, and other agricultural companies from US will affect to the slowing down of the Philippine Peso currency.  But as a result, President Duterte visited Brunei, China, and later to Japan and Russia to invite new investors from these emerging market countries.  Come to think of it that US owe debt from China more or less $ 1.8 Trillion as of August 2016.  How can Philippine government borrow money from a country that the given country itself is in debt due to the credit crisis few years ago.  Moreover, the disputed Scarborough shoal is only between the countries around the vicinity of the disputed island.  We cannot deny the fact that the colonial mentally that we have is still in our nerve since before knowing that US is our ally since WW2.  But as the modern era of civilization and diplomacy evolve, Philippines as a country must know the changes of world economy and its trends.

As the prediction of many economist that Euro Asia will rise again in terms of economy and world consumer production.  Countries from these regions including Philippines will be the key supplier of raw materials and consumer goods to the modern world economy.  Less we forget that civilization centuries ago is not in US but in Europe, Asia and part of Africa.  This means to say that during that time these countries from Euro Asia dominated the world economy and of course the world political power.  America is just late in gaining world political dominance right after the migration of the British pilgrims in the US soil.  Luckily, America prosper because of their rapid advancement in education and technology and of course their program in migration H1B Visa that will allow immigrants all around the world that are academically genius to have a special treatment in the US soil allowing other countries to have scarcity in White Collar jobs and the overall of the Human Resources.  

If Philippines will not actively join the rise of Euro Asia economic zone then Philippines will lag behind in terms of the new rising economy.  Russia and China is the key players of this new economic area with the resourceful participation of the ASEAN countries.  In the case of Ford company and GM motors and other European car production, their production line is now in mainland China to conserve labor cost and abundant resources from Asia and other ASEAN countries.  Likewise, India is also partnering with their military technology arms raise with Russia knowing that Russian Military technology will equally compete with US with a much lower cost.  At the moment the two countries venture more of their military machinery and technology production in India for wider production and enough man power to build the modern military machines.
Essentially, Philippine government must think again with the change of civilization in the Euro Asia region or what we call the “Silk Road” of Euro Asia.

What American business market is hanging on at this time is the control of world economy and the world monetary currency which is the US dollar.  But they did not know that they are just playing money not knowing that they don’t have the concrete consumer products at hand. US are too smart to play the economy that in return they experience the housing melt down few years ago.  On the contrary, emerging markets from Europe and Asia still have enough natural resource to satisfy the high technology production requirements from the west for example.  That is why American production such as GM cars and even Apple Iphones are all made in China with the same world class quality.  To some Filipinos with colonial mentally it is hard to use products with American brands but made in China, but reality in world economy is coming to an end. Euro Asian Market or the “Silk Road” will rise again.  And eventually civilization will change.  

Silk Road (National Geographic)

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