American Diplomatic Retaliation; a Mad Cow Disease

For a long period of time since world war 1 and 2 United States and the allied forces never assaulted any country without any logical diplomatic reason to physically assault the country.  American government is but clever in railroading narrative political events to present in the UN tribunal courts.  Even during the cold war, US is quiet clever in holding operations that will show correct diplomacy in the eyes of the public and the world.  At the moment Philippines is showing discomfort despite of the long lasting brotherhood relationship between US and the Philippines.  The diplomatic retaliation of America towards Philippines is a huge challenge for the present government of the Philippines knowing that President Duterte is showing his diplomatic alliance with China, Russia, Japan and other ASEAN countries.  So what is the diplomatic retaliation of US towards Philippines?

Possible scenario that will happen in terms of business and trade is the International business sanction and Embargo that no products from Philippines or vice versa can enter both international borders.  On the contrary, at present only few consumer product lines are entering the borders of Philippines coming and going to America.  It means that supplies from other ASEAN countries can sustain the daily consumption need of the Philippines to the extent that our agricultural supplies alone is enough for the Filipino people.  To give an example, during typhoon “Lawin” DSWD of the Philippine government did not ask for International assistance in terms of basic goods for each household in the area of responsibility.  Less we forget, that mass production of consumer goods like cars, computers and day like are not manufactured from US anymore but rather from China or India and other 
emerging countries.

One diplomatic technique of US war on diplomacy is the destabilization of any given government.  A clear example of this is the long time war in Syria that the American forces and military is supporting the rebels in Syria to destabilize the present government of Syria.  Many reports in the online news agency that while Russia is trying to stop the rebels in Syria from attacking the government, the US forces likewise are trying to support the rebels in terms of weapons and stealthy operation inside Syrian soil. Just like Egypt and other Arab countries, never in the modern history that they surpass the economy of US even with the rehabilitation program of US after the War.  In conjunction, Philippines is likewise in a scenario were the Philippine nation cannot economically take off like Korea and Japan due to the diplomatic shackles of US planted not even in our government but also in our subconscious minds (the colonial mentality).  This psychological weapon of US will allow the “divide and conquer” warfare against the Philippine government were Philippine congress and senate is even debating the budget that China is allotting to the Philippine government for macro and micro economic projects.  Since before Philippine government is always divided due to the International diplomatic pressures.

Since American government cannot go to military combat like world war 1 and 2, other ways to invade nations are still available using the modern concept of science and technology.  As we can observe at this time that US are not investing more of their monetary capital in upgrading their war planes and destroyers but rather in biotechnology.  Though it is not proven in the eyes of the general public many online buzzes are already propagating regarding the project in area 51.  So what is really happening in area 51?  Even China and Russia cannot attack US knowing that many of its new high technology discoveries are invested in biotechnology warfare.  Mutants for example, are half human half animal creatures that can maybe destroy a caravan of Chinese and Russian military.  Robotics is one high technology that is integrated to human bodies that will somehow show the dominance of America in terms of education and science and technology.

Take for example, few weeks ago the coconut plantation in “Julo” (Southern Part of the Philippines) are being attacked by pest and destroying the coconut crops of the province. Maybe act of God or act of Men, we don’t know the scientific basis but diplomatic war is always hidden in manners that the philosophy of human law and logic cannot give any arguments. Likewise the program of DARPA even calculate and control the climate were the given technology can control the climate in a way that they can create a typhoon or can create a huge tsunami.  But with the DARPA research what is the future of American warfare to dominate International diplomacy?

DARPA Project

Area 51

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