The Rise of Oriental Culture; Spies are Irresistible

The Civilization of Central Asia before will give us a concept on how the Orient can be a potential center for trade and modern economic zone.  The role of Russia in Central Asia paves the way of the old “Silk Road” centuries had past.  The assimilation of culture between Russia and the East in 1245 allows the two cultures to merge some of their practices in their religious, economic, education, political, and daily endeavors.  In 1561, Prince Igor’s time, practiced the close ties with other dynasties on the region.  Likewise the family of Boris Godunov dominates the region in tying up with other dynasties during that time.  As a fact, we can realize the potentials of politics and business between the Russian region and the Middle East region going to Asia simultaneously.  The Military alliance of India and Russia at the moment shows a greener future of business and politics between the two countries.  

Though China is still in political negotiations with India and other ASEAN member countries, the role of China in fulfilling the “Silk Road” from Europe, Russia, Middle East, China, India, and the ASEAN countries is important to revolutionize the rise of business in the orient.  Let us not forget that Tibet is so close with India and China that World civilization seems to forget their cultural participation to the world.  Geographically wise if India and China will integrate with Tibet, political and economic stability in the region will flourish according to the existing natural products along the region and the business products from Russia and Europe and the Middle East as well.  During 1700’s the Caspian Sea coast and along the southern branches of the Silk route along the Caucasus belt help India and Russia to trade their goods and building a collaborative economic program to boost both countries economy.  

Germany’s dominance during World War 2 in Europe gives us an idea that they can be an economic and political influence of Europe not to mention France and Italy.  The Old Russian culture in terms of city management and organization depicts the love of Russians to build Metropolis.  Famous cities in Russia such us, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg and et al. shows the taste of Russian Arts and Culture depicted in every public’s infrastructure across the country.  Likewise, in Middle East region the strong cultural background of Middle East echoes across the Asia Pacific region.  Undeniably, the dormant unification of “Silk Road” regional countries is a potential change from Pax Romana to Pax Americana and the rise of the Oriental economic power.   

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