~Favorite Spring Candles~

Happy Monday loves! It is the first week of Spring so we have to make sure we have all the new yummy smelling candles at Bath & Body Works. I can't wait to burn each and everyone of these candles. Unfortunately the candles have increased to $22.50 which I think is ridiculous. I still remember when they were under $15 and 2 for $20. I always try to wait to stock up on my candles when they are 2 for $24 and combine the $10 coupon. Right now all the candles below are 2 for $24. Let me know what is your favorite Bath & Body Works candle.


I love this candle, it smells like your grandmother is baking fresh cookies in the kitchen. You cannot buy one you have to at least buy 2.

Burn this candle while doing Yoga, taking a hot bath, or meditating and your will instantly feel relaxed. I love lighting these when I am taking a bath or reading my bible. 

I love the top of this candle and it smells delicious in the kitchen. 

If you love the body products in this scent you are going to love the candle it smells exactly the same. 

I love to burn this candle in the bathroom to keep it smelling fresh. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and find your favorite candle.

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