Scared of American Knowledge? NASA Flying saucer project; West Philippine Sea after Effect

Just few hours ago www.sciencealert.comreleased an article regarding the project of NASA in Hawaii that the agency will launch a Flying saucer type of ship that will take humans to Mars.  In my previous blog article I imparted the territorial conflict in west Philippine Sea.  But as of today the new NASA update will connect to the existing conflict in West Philippine Sea.  

The motive of the space mission is to navigate and explore planet mars were China and Russia is also wanting to explore and own territories in Mars. With this regard, new technological possibilities and chances for America to advance in world power and technological dominance will again mark the world history.  The spacecraft is specifically called the low density supersonic decelerator were the launching of the space object will be in the US Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai, Hawaii.  The scheduled launching date is Thursday 1:30 pm EDT.  The huge envy of China and Russia towards US technology and education will still narrow down to the fundamental values and education of the country.  

As what we recall from world history, US is new to world dominance.  We can even call it in our history subject discussion the “new Babylon” which connotes the new world empire with its parallel world political dominance with the old Babylon as well as Greece and Egypt.  Indeed, as what we all know that US is always advance in their research and education which will surpass in terms of predictions in any form of faculty and sciences.  As what I always discuss in my previous blog article that world war today is not about physical power but rather the educational and science power that can move mountains.  As to the Philippine disputed Islands….  No need to worry about that, America has its plan already.   Let us just make-up our minds regarding our ideologies that will always give favor to human life and humanity as a whole.

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