An interview with Technetium, TT100 2014 Award winner

Technetium is a specialist tracking technology company and solutions provider with extensive international experience in the physical asset tracking and management work space across multiple industries. They were recently awarded the award for the Management of Technology in the medium size category in the 2014 TT100 Awards. Through the use of its award-winning TeamTrak© suite of asset management software solutions, together with leading technologies, including RFID, Barcode, GPS, GPRS and the Internet, Technetium assist diverse corporations and organizations to manage and maintain full visibility of their various asset pools and fleets as well as providing intelligence for utilization, alerting and performance. Technetium offers asset management, related services, security, information technology and technology integration for the assets of value, of a client. This is achieved through the deployment of a comprehensive, business-rules based generic tracking engine, allowing asset owners to track, locate, manage, measure and optimise utilisation of all uniquely identified resources, irrespective of asset type, industry or location. Value-added benefits include improved security, staff productivity, associated business processes and customer care.

The TT100 adjudicators awarded the Management of Technology award to this innovative company with this accompanying comment, “Not only does Technetium deliver innovative technology solutions for mobile resource management (MRM) and security, it does so across multiple industries, while also providing intelligence on utilisation, alerting and performance. Most crucially for this particular category, the business is able to demonstrate a clear and definable technology strategy that adopts a unique approach to the market, one that has clearly had a positive impact on sales and customer acquisition.”

The values of the leadership of a business always shapes its success and the Chief Technology Officer of Technetium, Craig Jansen had the following answers to the questions as outlined below:  

What is your favourite saying about innovation?
“There’s a way to do it better – find it.”- Thomas Edison. “We cannot solve a problem by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created the problem.”- Albert Einstein.

What is your motto in life?
“For the concert of life, nobody receives a program.” – Dutch Proverb

Who is your role model?
“Life – Lord and Saviour Jesus, my father, Bruce Lee. Business – Carlos Ghosn, CEO and Chairman of Nissan and Renault.”

What top 3 values are important to you?
Integrity, innovation, excellence.”

How do you drive these values in your organisation?
“Innovation is fostered primarily through a collaborative approach, involving both structured sessions related to the company’s products and services, as well as informal sessions where “any idea is game”.

Excellence is ensured through appropriate training, formal Q&A structures and innovative incentive schemes. Primarily though, the pursuit of the ethic of “consistently challenging self” is urged throughout the organisation.

Integrity is developed and encouraged through an approach of personal and shared accountability.”

Why did you enter the TT100 awards program?
“To test our strategic and tactical business approach and holistic solution approach, against the TIPS model and other companies (thus learning in the process), and improve corporate branding and visibility within the South African context.”

Is there a current innovative project or idea that stands out to you in life?
“The staff at Technetium, mindful of the need and desire to give back to the community at large has been, over the last three years, running an internal internship/employment program for previously disadvantaged individuals with only a matriculated pass, i.e. those people with no resources to take their academics further than high school. This at minimum, allows selected school-leavers to gain substantive work experience for a future career and in some cases results in the furthering of a career specifically in technology.”

What do you want it to stand out for?
“Technetium should be seen as a company providing world class asset tracking and management solutions, tailored to the needs of the client, thus providing true value to the client. This will always be done in an ethical and meticulous manner.”

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