Rant | Lazy people with the wrong license

There are very few things that frustrates me. OK, that maybe a tiny white lie. There are two things however, that just makes me want to eat my socks, lick a puppy, and vandalize bushman paintings.

Just kidding, I won’t lick a puppy, because they lick back. One thing I have no tolerance for is computers, if it doesn’t work, I get the urge to use the keyboard on the box, give it a big swipe, from left to right, use what’s left, and do it again. It will not help, but I will feel better, and maybe the tiny electronic typist inside will realize I don’t want to wait hours to type a sentence. The people who goes through life like these computers deserves the same treatment.

The second is lazy drivers. This ranges from pensioners doing a Sunday drive in their Honda Jazz during mid-week, right through to people who are too lazy to get a proper drivers license. You know who they are. Those lazy dirt bags that opts to go for a code 10 because it’s easier, it has less hoops to jump through, and because it is a bigger vehicle, made to drive and work every day, your mistakes are often ignored.

Now comes the challenge, you get your license, and you are now allowed on the road with a vehicle that you technically can’t drive, because you would have failed the license test anyway. You make mistakes, and assume everybody will think for you, you will park like a person who has ortholinaphobia, you lack the capacity to parallel park, and you scare the bijeesus out of the pensioner in her Honda Jazz who is on her way to get her weekly perm.

I personally think the entire licensing system needs to change. Firstly get rid of the corrupt officials, secondly, a system that requires a certain amount of driving hours will be beneficial, although this won’t work, because there is no way to record the miles, and offenses that came along with it. A competency test would need to be completed, and a general knowledge Q&A when you are pulled over and your license is less than X years old.

Or, simply, if you have a license for a vehicle weighing than 3500kg, and your license is for a vehicle under that weight, you either have to produce a proper license for the type of car you are driving, or be fined. Heavily. Unless you pretend to be an all knowing blog owner who feebly attempts to crack the motoring journalist world, then you can go! 

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