The practicality of International Education

Sooner or later the world of education will become one same as with other national government activities such as communication, commerce, economics, medicine and so on.  To have a one world operation in education it needs a thorough revision of the national academic activities and programs.  In ASEAN region for example the AUNQA is trying to revise all its member country’s program structure to synchronize the international program of the region and be able to collaborate with other international regions such as the EU.  In a local point of view, if one university is fixing a program that is already irrelevant to the international education program, the move of revising the program is just a waste of time were by having a new program is much cheaper and in line with the new AUNQA program curriculum.  

To give a simple and layman ANALOGY (as far as I can remember the old TAXI in Metro Bangkok are being changed few years ago due to the fact that the old taxi are already hazard to the public and it will not give the comfort for other visiting citizens in the city.  To fix the old TAXI will just delay the time and will incur more financial expense but the result is just the same,  as a result the city government issued new taxi cabs that is presentable to the international visitors and safer traveler to all the city citizens.)

Education is the future of the country were by as teacher we are deem responsible for the future of the knowledge of the country.  We can say it is now or never, because this is our last chance to collaborate with other ASEAN countries.  What will happen next, the AUNQA team of ASEAN will not check the paper works.  Paper works are just simple reports of what you’ve done in the class.  What is important is the ACTUAL CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES OF EVERY TEACHER THAT WILL REFLECT TO THE PAPER REPORT.  If the two will not match then that kind of problem is the way of no return for the whole institution.  Now we still have the chance to BUY THE NEW TAXI OR FIX THE OLD ONE that we can clearly see that a radical change is needed.  If we are after for the future of our students then we recognize our HONEST mistake.  Remember as teachers, our products are not Cars or Televisions but STUDENTS WHO WILL LEAD THE COUNTRY IN THE FUTURE.

But FEW GOOD MEN are just around to fix the modern dilemma of our international education.  One that can recognize the HONEST mistake and fix it according to his or her scientific formulation.  Being innovative is not only to play around the problem but to fix the problem with an honest heart.  (LIKE THE ANALOGY OF THE TAXI) Maybe we can say, it is now or never because tomorrow we don’t have our chance to be in listed in the top ASEAN universities.



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