SFUSD immunization requirements 2015

When I was young, summers were sacred and school started after Labor day. I am not sure when that shifted, but it seems that these days many of our patients start school in mid August. This is the time of year for the panicked parent to call, needing an immediate check up (not going to happen), sports form, or updated vaccination record prior to school entry.

Take a deep breath. Most schools will accept a promise of a scheduled check up as long as they have an immunization form that is complete. We are happy to work with our families to at least get you scheduled for some of those shots that are needed even if there isn't a slot with the doctor available. I assure you, most schools don't look too closely at the forms; if one of the docs forgets to check a box, your child won't be kicked out of class.

Below  is the standard form if you lost yours:

California schools are required to check immunization records for students when they enter kindergarten, upon advancement or admission into7th grade, and for students transferring into a new school at any age.    

Here is a list of the shots that most San Francisco schools require:   
Before entering kindergarten:
DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis): 5 doses
A 4th dose after the age of 4  is acceptable.

Polio: 4 doses
If the 3rd was given after the age of 4, that is acceptable

Hepatitis B: 3 doses
Most 5 years olds faced with those extra Hepatitis B shots are going to give their parents the well deserved "stink eye" if you put this off and didn't complete the series before entering kindergarten (Hepatitis B/ do you need to do it right away?

MMR (measles, mumps and rubella): 2 doses  
If they got an early dose prior to the first birthday, that doesn't count as one of the doses

Varivax (chicken pox): 1 dose is required. 2 is preferred

7th graders require a Tdap (whooping cough) booster. They also must show proof of two doses of measles-containing vaccines (e.g., MMR) before starting school.

This is also the perfect opportunity to vaccinate with the other ACIP (the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) recommended vaccines for 11-12 year olds, including HPV and MCV4 (meningococcal).

Routine testing for tuberculosis is not required for SF public schools. Rather than testing every child with a skin or blood test, the San Francisco Department of Public Health strongly supports a medical provider's risk assessment for TB as the universal screening requirement for school entry.  Only children identified as having one or more risk factors for TB infection will need to be tested. Some of the private schools insist on TB testing regardless of the recommendation of the SF Public Health Department.  

In June of this year, Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) 277 into law.
This law goes into effect July of 2016. For the school year beginning August/September 2016, all children going into kindergarten, seventh grade or entering a school for the first time will need to be fully vaccinated or have a medical exemption. Personal or religious exemptions will no longer be accepted.

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