Fall Hair Pick-Me Ups

Fall has finally arrived in Alabama which means it is time to bring out those beautiful sweaters and boots we have been dying to wear! It also means it is time to change up your hair routine. We all use heat protectant, UV protectant and the other 50 types of protectants to keep our hair healthy in the summer but when it comes to other months we end up slacking. 

It was about 2 years ago I started noticing my hair was dry and breaking off with just a touch or finger comb. I couldn't understand why my hair was breaking, I did the usual wash, condition and deep condition but still the same issue. I thought I was sick or worse... going bald! (I was super dramatic) I also thought maybe is was my hair products so I did a little research and realized my hair products had "ALCOHOL"in the ingredients. (Ex: Pantene) Alcohol is harmful to the hair because it dries out the scalp and hair cuticle, which causes hair to be damaged. The products that contain alcohol also contain a silicon base. The silicon base makes your hair seem like it is healthy but however these products coat the hair instead of making the hair healthy and moisturized from within the cuticle. 

Hair Myth: Only the sun/hot days damage your hair because of the heat and UV rays. 

Fact: The truth is that even on cloudy dry days your hair gets damaged! Why? The moisture is being sucked out the hair cuticle and not being manually applied by you daily. In comparison to sun damage, the dryness of the fall crisp air can do the same if not worse damage to your hair. It doesn't matter if your hair is straight or curly you must protect and moisturize your hair year around. 

How to Fix Problem: Does your hair ever feel like dried out hay (yes the stuff on a farm)? If so try the Fall Hair Pick-Me Ups below. These products and DIY methods have saved my hair. *I use each product/method and it has worked for my thick, long, curly/wavy hair.*

Get Your Free DIY Hair Mask to Help Transform Your 
Hair in 30 Days! HERE

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Until next time stay Lux... XOXO

*please know that all recommendations are based on my personal experiences, they are not clinically tested* 

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