“The Machine Man” Technology implanted to humans; The new government record system

Reading the synopsis of the novel of Max Barry lately today triggers my imagination on how smart these people who are trying to discover the combination of humans and modern technology.  We can clearly observe today from the modern U.S. military equipment’s that part of their genius discoveries is not upgrading their F16 fighter jets but rather their human military strength.  Multiplying the physical strength of the human soldiers are one of the tactics in maximizing the strength of the arm forces and lessening the number of men sent into battle.  Such that, biotechnology is a big part of improving the program. 

Further coverage of these kind of technologies will follow through the common citizens of the world, when people need not to worry if parts of their human bodies needs to be replaced with machines.  We commonly call the combination between human and machine as “cyborg”.   As of this time international communications for global security purposes are proposing to implant RFIDs for each and every citizen of this world.  This kind of technology will record all the personal data of the individual like the passport data and government records.  All the personal documents are saved in a microchip and implanted in every human’s body specifically at the back of the neck.  The advantages of this new record system will actually identify the exact identity of the individual’s public record.  Setbacks are also being discussed by scientist as to how safe the technology from computer hackers.  Safeness of one’s record will relate to the accurateness of feedback from the recipient of the technology. 

Recently the case of “lag-lag Bala” in the Philippines, were in a group of people are conducting scams to put one “bullet” to any random passenger and execute extortion to any traveler passing the international airport of the Philippines.  Sadly, many citizens and foreign tourist are delayed by the random events of “lag-lag bala” case.  In this manner, the new RFID record system will allow a more accurate form of recording that every world citizen that will pass any international border can be automatically recognized by the government or by the airport authorities.  In reality, the RFID technology is already in your “passport booklet” at the moment being inserted somewhere in the cover pages. But comparing the accuracies between RFID implanted to human bodies and in the passport booklets, RFID in human bodies are more accurate in terms of identity of the owner and its government and medical records. 

Making friends with technology is actually merging our human bodies with the modern innovations and machines.  Are you ready to revolutionize humanity? And possibly in the future technology can eliminate death.  The imagination of science and its scientific extremities will be tested to its fullest when human society is in need for its sociological and anthropological hypothetical solutions.

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