Trate a sus calorías como el dinero - Administre con sabiduría!
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Posted: 27 Jul 2015 08:58 AM PDT Counting calories is a tried-and-true method for keeping track of where your calories go every day. But if you simply count calories – and not paying much attention to what you're spending them on – you might not be getting the most nutritional value "bang for your buck". So here's a thought – why not handle your daily calorie allowance the same way you handle your money? Your Calorie WalletImagine that you carry with you a calorie wallet – one that holds all the calories you can spend for the day. How you choose to spend those calories is entirely up to you – and it's not unlike the way you choose to spend your money.When you're watching your finances, you probably do your best to take care of the necessities first – and if there's any left over, you might decide to put it away or spend it on something special. And, when you do part with your money, you're probably hoping to get the best value for your money, too. The same thing applies with those calories in your wallet. Most of the time, you'll want to spend wisely, in order to get the best nutritional value for your calories. So, you'll take care of the necessities first, and spend your calories on the healthy foods your body needs. And, if you have any calories left over at the end of the day, you might decide to spend them on a little treat. There might also be those times when you spend your calorie bucks on something you want, but don't really need – just as you might splurge on a really expensive pair of shoes. But if you want to keep your weight in check, you'll need to make up for it somehow. And, just as it might make sense to save up for those great shoes, you could hold back a few calories in your wallet every day, so you can spend a little extra on the weekend – and treat your calorie wallet more like a savings account. Everyone has a daily calorie budget – the number of calories they should eat every day to keep their weight in check, and some people's calorie wallets are a little thicker than others. But no calorie wallet has a credit card – if you spend more calories on food than you have in your wallet, you'll pay for it another way – with some extra padding around your waist, hips or thighs. The Calorie Wallet – BreakfastWhen you're walking around with a wallet stuffed with cash, it can be pretty easy to spend it. Then, all of a sudden, you look inside and you can't imagine where the money went – and you have to be a lot more careful with the bucks you have left.Well, the same thing is true when you look at your calorie wallet first thing in the morning. Your wallet's got all your day's calories in it – and it looks like you've got plenty – so you might be tempted to overspend at breakfast. But when dinnertime rolls around and you realize you don't have many calories left in your wallet, you'll be wondering where they all went. So the choices you make in the morning can have a big impact on how well you budget those calories in your wallet for the rest of the day. Here's a look at the nutritional value of some typical breakfasts – and how much "calorie cash" you'll have to pull out of your wallet in order to buy them.
Stay tuned for more on the calorie wallet! Next time – getting the most bang for your calorie buck at lunch. Susan Bowerman is Director of Nutrition Training at Herbalife. Susan is a Registered Dietitian and a Board-Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics. Find out more at: |
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