

So, what is Raw Foodism?

Raw foodism is the dietary practice of consuming uncooked, unprocessed and often organic food as the majority (or all) of the diet. The idea is to eat as close to nature as possible rings true for this way of life, eating plant foods in their most natural state. Developed by the Swiss doctor M. Bircher-Benner in the 19th Century, and initially used as a dietary health treatment for common ailments, over the years the raw food momentum has grown. And rightfully so! Raw food offers a whole host of benefits to the body. Here we discuss these benefits, alongside some possible downfalls, all worthy considerations if you are contemplating the raw food lifestyle.

So, what do raw foodists eat?

The raw food diet is most typically plant based and includes a selection of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Eggs, fish (in the form of uncooked sashimi), meat (carpaccio) and raw dairy products (non-pasteurized and non-homogenized) may also be included. Of note, refined sugars, caffeine and alcohol are considered off limits amongst the strict raw foodists.

How are foods prepared?

Food preparation and processing is minimized on the raw food diet, with the ideology that in doing so maximum nutrient value is retained. Food must remain uncooked or cooked in a temperature that does not exceed 140 degrees F. No need for an oven, a dehydrator is a raw foodists kitchen appliance of choice! So what are the pros and cons of this type of food preparation?

The pros of a raw food diet

1. Raw foodists believe that cooking food diminishes its natural life energy and destroys much of the nutrients and natural enzymes in the food. Enzymes are required by your body to assist in the breaking down of food. Maximize these nutrient benefits by eating raw.

2. Some people are concerned that cooking foods may release carcinogens and free radicals that are harmful to health. The raw food diet eliminates this risk.

3. The raw food diet is based on unrefined, unprocessed foods and thus essentially eliminates trans fat and refined sugars, while offering very low levels of saturated fat and sodium.

4. Raw foods contain high levels of healthy fats and fiber.

5. The focus on purchasing local, organic foods lends a helping hand to our long term sustainable environment.

The cons of a raw food diet

1. Raw food diets are often found to be low in essential nutrients. Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, calcium, iron and omega 3 fatty acid deficiencies are most notable. Studies have shown that the most dedicated raw foodists may be risk of low bone mass, which can result in osteoporosis and increased risk of fractures.

2. Raw foodists should be aware that choosing to eat raw meat put themselves at risk of food poisoning and gastroenteritis. Cooking food kills harmful bacteria (salmonella for example) which may occur in the food.

3. Certain vegetables actually require cooking to release key nutrients. The carotenoids in carrots, and the lycopene in tomatoes, for example, become more bio-available once these vegetables are cooked.

4. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, etc) should be cooked before eating as they contain chemicals that BLOCK the production of thyroid hormone in your body! Cooking crucifers reduces the goitrogenic substances by about 2/3. Fermentation does not reduce goitrogens in these veggies, but since fermented crucifers, such as sauerkraut, are typically eaten as a condiment and, hence, in small amounts, consumption is fine if the diet is rich in iodine.

5. Cooked foods can be more gentle on the digestive system than raw foods, which can prove to be quite irritating to the digestive systems of some individuals.


It is best to include some raw foods in your day. A well balanced diet that incorporates some raw food element will always be of benefit. As an example, have a raw juice (mainly green) every day and always at room temperature for optimal digestion; have raw berries with breakfast and in summer eat more salads; eat nuts and seeds as your snack in between meals.

Whether you decide to join the strict raw food movement is entirely up to you, but we hope we have given you some 'food' for thought.

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