The Da Vinci Institute: Media Release - Prestigious events!

The Da Vinci Institute for Technology Management is a private higher education provider that contributes towards socio-economic development and transformation. The Institute’s purpose is to cultivate managerial leadership through business driven action learning, offering students a personalised journey of self-discovery and co-creation.

This week, The Institute hosts three extraordinary events which culminate in celebrating and showcasing academic rigour and excellence.


INAUGURAL LECTURE – 7 September 2016

The Da Vinci Institute is proud to announce that it will be hosting the very first two Inaugural Lectures for 2016.

There will be two sessions held on 7 September 2016.

The Inaugural Lecture is an opportunity for appointed Professors to inform colleagues in the institution and the general public, about their research career so far; and update colleagues on their current and future research directions.

SESSION 1: 08:45 for 09:00 - 10:30
Professor Alexander Schieffer
Schieffer is an engaged and dynamic professor, continuously creating transformative educational spaces to nurture the full potential of participants. He develops and teaches integral curricula in international development, organizational and societal transformation, and culturally and spiritually conscious leadership. He leads courses at universities around the world, including St. Gallen University (Switzerland), University of Johannesburg (South Africa), Hope University (UK), Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development (Egypt), and Meridian University (USA).

SESSION 2: 10:45 for 11:00 - 12:30
Professor Ronnie Lessem
In the new millennium, Lessem pursued his passion for releasing the genius of individuals and communities, organizations and societies, in “four worlds”, that is in the global south and east, north and west. Together with his colleague, Professor Alexander Schieffer (Germany/France), he established the TRANS4M Center for Integral Development (, headquartered in Geneva. The center focuses on “transformational education” and “research for innovation”, as well as “community activation” and “awakening consciousness”. At the heart of TRANS4M’s work is its integral approach – a culturally contextualized approach to releasing individual and collective genius, in conjunction with universities, enterprises and communities. Its postgraduate and undergraduate programs, aligned with integral research centers, evoke the individual and collective callings, contexts, co-creations and contributions of individuals and institutions in the four corners of the globe.

Date: 7 September 2016
Venue: The Da Vinci Institute
16 Park Avenue


PRESIDENT’S DINNER – 7 September 2016

The Da Vinci Institute presents its Third Annual President’s Dinner on Wednesday 7 September 2016 at the Johannesburg Country Club.

The Da Vinci Institute for Technology Management is a private higher education provider that contributes towards socio-economic development and transformation. The Institute’s purpose is to cultivate managerial leadership through business driven action learning. Offering students a personalised journey of self-discovery and co-creation.

In this regard The Institute celebrates the accomplishments and achievements of the Da Vinci 2016 PhD graduands. The third annual President's Dinner takes place on Wednesday 7 September 2016 at the Johannesburg Country Club, Auckland Park, starting at18:00.

The dinner is hosted by Prof Edward Kieswetter, President of The Da Vinci Institute and Prof Benjamin Anderson, CEO/Vice-President of The Da Vinci Institute, and serves to be a momentous occasion in the lives of Da Vinci PhD graduands. Held on the evening before the Da Vinci annual graduation, the President's Dinner is an intimate and exclusive event held for successful PhD students, their partners and their Supervisors who have journeyed with them.

Eighteen PhD students will graduate on 8 September 2016 after years of commitment and personal growth.

The research topics include the following:

Suraya Aboobaker Adam, “Standardization within the Service and Guest accommodation sectors: A South African perspective.”

Anselm Gbenga Adodo, “Holism and integral healing: A role model of integral development within Africa.”

Lawrence Ata, “Human generation interfaces with nuclear technology: Challenges associated with nuclear power generation knowledge transfer.”

Bernamy Chipo Chiganze, “Transforming rural communities through the sustainable commercialization of agriculture: A Zimbabwean case study.”

Aslam Ismail, “Transformation and consumer behaviour: Developing a South African typology.”
Phillippus Marthinus Janse van Rensburg, “The development of an integrated philosophy for psychological wellbeing for the South African counselling profession.”

Mxolisi Eric Kumkani, “Coaching as a strategic intervention for leadership development in organisations: Creating a systemic intervention framework.”

Giovanni Vincenzo Mariano        , “Developing a framework linking motivating factors in restaurants to sustainable personal development and career growth.”

John July       Mgwenya, “Towards a Sustainable Transformational Framework for the Public Sector: A South African Case Study.”

Joseph Jente Molapisi, “Nanotechnology innovation and commercialization: Creating a framework for South African industries.”

Douglas         Munzvengi, “Socio-economic challenges within developing economies: A Zimbabwean case study.”
Tagarira         Mutenga       , “Risk management and the application of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Standard 31000, in the mining sector: A Zimbabwean Case Study.”

Andrew          Nyambayo, “Integral development and marketing of mobile phone products and services for the improvement of livelihoods of rural people: A co-operative inquiry.”

Jean Karen Parker   , “Transformative emergency preparedness education: Utilizing community media strategies in rural India.”

Ishmael Joel Poolo , “The relevance of Smart Metering technologies for electricity utilities: A South African case study.”
Sunjesh Singh, “Operational incident experience and business improvement: Creating a performance framework for electricity utilities.”

Mamohloding Agnes Tlhagale, “Creating a policy framework for the establishment of a sustainable bio-economy: A South African Case Study.”

Olufunmilayo Itunu Ubogu, “Creating a responsive person-centered Health Care service for people living with HIV/Aids.”

“The Institute is proud of presenting these candidates to business and government alike – they will make a meaningful contribution towards the creation and development of a sustainable socio-economic system.” Dr Ronel Blom, Dean (Academic Development and Research).


ANNUAL GRADUATION – 8 September 2016

The Da Vinci Institute for Technology Management is a private higher education provider that contributes towards socio-economic development and transformation. The Institute’s purpose is to cultivate managerial leaders through the core principles of work-based action learning by offering students a personalised journey of self-discovery and co-creation.

The Da Vinci Annual Graduation Ceremony will take place on Thursday 8 September 2016 at The Linder Auditorium, Johannesburg. As The Institute’s 16th Graduation Ceremony, it serves to celebrate the achievements of Da Vinci students as they arrive at the end of their learning journey, walk across the stage and collect their qualification.

The Graduation Ceremony is significant because The Institute looks forward to graduating 16 Bcom graduands, 31 MSc graduands and 18 PhD graduands. With a strong focus on developing solutions to real world problems, the research topics of Da Vinci MSc students are as follows:

Vincent Blennies, “Investigating the readiness for implementing and sustaining an innovation culture: A Netcare 911 Survey.”

Aubrey Albertus Bosch, “Customer service within the financial services sector: A First National Bank (FNB) study.”

Benjamin Frederik Burger, “Action Management: Analysing and optimising business processes.”

Stefanus DaniĆ«l Buys, “Leadership development: An energy utility perspective with specific reference to Eskom South Africa.”

Munyaradzi Fidelis  Chimanda, “Manufacturing in Zimbabwe: The Astra Paints Case Study for sustainable co-existence.”

Llewellyn       Claasen, “Understanding the decision criteria utilized by Business Angels within South Africa: A systems perspective.”

Kevin George Joseph D'Allende, “The success of spaza shop-owners and their contribution to socio -economic development: The case of the Langa township.”

Juliette Fourie, “Utilizing workplace simulators within the international logistics environment to increase performance and productivity.”

Takaedza Jonhera, “The use of Information Communication Technology as a strategy for improved business performance at a vehicle inspectorate department: A Zimbabwean study.”

Jeremy Kangoni, “A culture of innovation – The key to the survival of the Zimbabwe motor industry in the face of globalization.”

Eli Ronen       Katz, “The viability of innovative finance models for mixed-use property developments in South Africa: An explorative study.”

Moses Sipho Nkonzo Khumalo, “Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the procurement function as it relates to project execution within Eskom.”

Andile Monwabisi   Kolanisi, “Employee perception and organizational transformation within the public sector: A South African perspective.”

Nompumelelo Maria Lehasa, “The evaluation of a cost estimation system within Eskom : A Survey.”

Madibi Sannie Mabe, “Determining the effect of employee empowerment on service quality and customer satisfaction: A South African Bureau of Standard  (SABS) Case Study.”

Faradh           Mahomed, “Comparing traditional rating based scorecard performance appraisals with outcomes based remuneration models: A Financial Services Sector perspective.”

Alexander Makangira, “Transformation of rural communities and migrating human resources: Creating sustainable linkages.”

Yolande         Maree, “Project performance in executing capital projects: An Eskom Case Study.”

Abram Abie Masango, “Utilization of automated coal blending and quality monitoring systems to improve plant performance and containment of costs within Eskom.”

Lindani Welcome    Mbhele, “Maintenance strategies for enhanced customer support within Eskom: A systems perspective.”

Bheki Mdakane, “Stakeholder engagement and the implementation of Social and Labour Plans (SLPs) within the Mining Sector: A South African Case Study .”

Farhaana Mohidien, “A comparative analysis of a segmentation framework designed for Insurance Marketing and a traditional Banking Segmentation model: A South African Case Study.”

Oupa February Mopaki, “Utilising the balanced scorecard measurement for organizational performance: The Media, Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (MICT SETA) Case Study.”

Raymond Munyaka, “From Land Reform to Land Reform: The Bende-Nyangui Community case study for social and economic transformation.”

Vernon Naidu, “The role of transformational leadership and organisational commitment to enable technology solutions within the South African Revenue Services.”

Sheena Reel, “Adoption of end-to-end encryption and tokenization technologies in South Africa: A South African case study.”   
Zanele Cynthia Sethusa, “Factors affecting power delivery at an energy utility: An Eskom case study.”

John Siti,        “The centralisation of Information Technology and the delivery of financial investment services: A Rand Merchant Bank Case Study.”

Dennis Alan Smith, “The development of an employee perception index to support strategy implementation.”

Nghezimani Elvis Makamu, “Drivers for optimal total quality management within the ANC parliamentary context.”

Samuel Makuvaza, “Transforming rural people's livelihoods by using alternative sources of energy - The case of the Magaya Village in Zimbabwe.”

For more information related to either of these events
Contact: Storm Thomas – Communications Manager
011 579 4435

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