What is Your Eye Shape?

What is Your Eye Shape?

There are many different eye shapes among mankind. No one eye shape is better than the other per sa, but we all tend to have certain preferences, albeit subconsciously or even very consciously, just like our preferences for certain body types or skin tones. My personal preference is for deep set eyes, followed by close set eyes, and my least favorite eye shape is protroding eyes.

If you are a woman then it is fairly easy to create optical illusions to “normalize” the perception of your eye shape in the minds of others using various tricks with eye make-up. Once you have determined your natural eye shape you can then apply eye shadow and liner with specific techniques that will help to fit your face creating a “perceived” balanced image. However, that is not the subject matter of this post. Here, we will only focus on the different eye shapes.

Broadly speaking there are eight different eye shapes found in humans. Let’s talk about each eye shape and this will allow you to determine your own eye shape.

Deep Set Eyes

 Deep set eyes are set deeper into the skull, creating the illusion of a more prominent brow bone.


Monolids are flat on the surface and don't have much of a crease, if any. The brow bone is less defined. Monolid eyes quite often found among Far East Asians.

Hooded Eyelids

Hooded eyes feature an extra layer of skin that droops over the crease, causing the lid to appear smaller. Hooded eyes are quite often a feature of older people showing signs of aging, but younger people can have hooded eyes from birth.

Protruding Eyes

Protruding eyes create the appearance of projected lids in the eye socket area. This eye shape is quite common among South Asians. 

Upturned Eyes

The upturned eye takes the form of a classic almond shape, with a natural lift at the outer corner. 

Downturned Eyes

Downturned eyes have a slight dropping on the outer corners, giving the illusion of cat ‘s eye shape.

Close Set Eyes

Close set eyes are less than one eyeball width apart. Close set eyes are often deep set.

Wide Set Eyes

Wide set eyes are more than one eyeball width apart. This eye shape is quite often found in Asians and Arficians.

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