A Shock to the System

Modern science and its firm set of commandments is undergoing a test of faith.

Most people would classify themselves as open-minded, critical thinkers with bundles of common sense — especially scientists. And if we move up to the rarefied stratosphere of award-winning, peer-reviewed cerebral powerhouses such as Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton or Stephen Hawking, well then the obvious assumption is that these minds are the most learned and able explain the mysteries of Earth’s creation, the cosmos and the lowly atom.

Mashed up together, the theories of Einstein and Newton (wrapped in some Platonic assumptions), constitute today's consensus understanding of space, solar system, the Universe, as well as how various particles interrelate at the subatomic level.

The two predominant foundations of modern physics are the ‘Theory of Relativity’ and the ‘Theory of Quantum Mechanics’.

In a nutshell — using the powers of observation and theoretical mathematics, the scientific titans of yesteryear extrapolated that the Universe began with an ominously-sounding Big Bang, from which began a kaleidoscope of chain reactions eventually leading to the formation of our Universe, and after 13 billion years of destruction-derby-bumper-cars, the planets including Earth.

It is obviously a lot more complicated than that — and to be sure, the learned scientific community likes it so.

Pulsing towards an alternative truth

Is not one of the accepted axioms of science for theories to be always evolving, breaking new ground and revealing previously ignored or hidden truths?

It would seem today’s scientists have assumed they know everything there is to know, including the unknown.

“Everything that we take for granted in our knowledge and understanding of the solar system comes from a set of hyper-complicated and theoretical mathematics equations that are using outdated assumptions of physics.” says Dr. Walter Thornhill from The Thunderbolts Project. “The scientific community has ran off into the intellectual woods and they don’t want to come out.” he adds.

“The fundamental error made by physicists and astronomers is to have assumed that gravity is the most powerful force in the solar system and beyond. The research we are currently doing at Thunderbolts raises catastrophically uncomfortable questions of the existing scientific community and its set-in-stone theories.” “And we’re still waiting for answers.”

So if gravity is not the force to unite the two theories of modern astrophysics, what is?

The answer — beautiful in its simplicity — is electricity.

Much like how our own human bodies are electrical circuits that generate magnetic fields, so too may the Universe be entirely dependent on electric circuits and conduits that interrelate with gravity but in an entirely different way to how modern astrophysics has theorised for the past 400 years.

According to research done at Thunderbolts, all the phenomena we can see in faraway space such as new galaxies and stars, as well as phenomena closer to home such as the Northern Lights and solar cosmic rays, can all be explained in a unified way courtesy of electricity and electro-magnetism.

“The scientific community has misled itself into a helio-centric mess that requires increasingly more creative explanations to paper over the growing cracks. Modern cosmology thinks the Sun is a like nuclear bonfire that will eventually burn out; when in fact, it seems more like an LED bulb that comes on when electricity passes through it.” says Dr. Thornhill.

“The only remaining issue is to convince cognitively dissonant scientists that are over-intellectualise their observations, to accept new ideas. That is a challenge because it means they will have to admit that their entire careers have largely missed the point.”

The Electric Universe

The alternative Electric Universe theory rejects the conclusions of mainstream science, and postulates that electricity dominates the exchange of energy in the Universe with the help of magnetism. “The Universe is electro-magnetic, not gravitational.” says Dr. Thornhill.

To resolve the mysteries of the Universe, Thunderbolts proposes a paradigm shift in attitude and perspective. “We must start to apply right-brain thinking and find solutions that simplify an already dense and over-complicated subject matter that only PhD scientists can claim to understand.” says Dr. Thornhill.

The Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland has spent over US$13 billion over the past 10 years alone, and it was all done to chase non-existent particles such as quarks, gluons, dark matter and dark energy, which are all vague concepts that exist solely within computer simulations and mathematical workings. At best, observations that are not understood are painted with a gravitational brush that assumes a lack of electrical currents.

Simulation of a supernova core collapse at Princeton University, exhibiting electro-magnetic polar features

Even the great Albert Einstein once said, “As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain — and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality”. In his books ‘Principia’, ‘Opticks’ and ‘Hypothesis of Light’, Isaac Newton talked of a “secret principle” by which substances are “sociable” or “unsociable” with others.

Could he have been referring to electricity and electro-magnetism without yet knowing it?

After all, Benjamin Franklin, the officially recognised ‘discoverer’ of electricity, only did so in 1767, a whopping 63 years after Newton’s work on electricity.

The Electric Evidence

The research being done by the Thunderbolts Project indicates that the observable Universe operates on both the large scale and small scale via one core method — electro-magnetism. This discovery has the potential to unify the currently opposed theories underpinning modern science i.e. the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.

One way of testing this hypothesis, is to attempt to repeat in the laboratory, what the telescope can observe in space. 

The team behind Thunderbolts is currently liaising with the SAFIRE Project, a team of scientists pursuing experimental investigation of plasma and electricity in a vacuum. Their major focus are the electric properties of the Sun.

Other scientists, at other labs, not afraid to be machine-gunned or labelled harlots for questioning the bedrock of modern science, are conducting incredible experiments which clearly demonstrate unbridgeable fallacies in many of today's scientific assumptions and axioms.

Several independent scientists, with varying affiliations, have successfully demonstrated cosmological phenomena in the confines of a lab.

A phenomenon called sonoluminescence could explain how stars are formed and why they look like they do. Laboratory experiments indicate they have nothing to do with solid mass or nuclear fusion at millions of degrees. Instead, stars could well be visible light energy created by audible vibrations (sound) within a cosmic plasma or ‘aether’ — the famous 5th element.

Sonoluminescence is the emission of short bursts of light from imploding bubbles in a liquid when excited by sound.  

Dr. Janna Levin, a theoretical cosmologist and lead professor of physics and astronomy at Barnard College of Columbia University in the US, has previously corroborated this possibility within another dense niche of outer space — black holes.

Speaking on a panel of other highly esteemed physicists in 2011, Dr. Levin said, “Black holes are real astrophysical objects; black holes ring space like a drum and play a song on space itself”.

Dr. Thornhill’s research at Thunderbolts points to several testable features of our observable universe, but one of the more conclusive visual proofs of the Electric Universe theory is the presence of Birkeland currents.

The Thunderbolts team postulates that the entire cosmos is packed with previously-undetected plasma, which allows for the creation of self-constricting magnetic field lines and currents called Birkeland currents, named after the Norwegian scientist, Kristian Birkeland, who predicted them at the beginning of the 20th Century.

Kristian Birkeland’s ‘Terella’ experiment, recreating the ‘Northern Lights’ in his laboratory.

The Thunderbolts team has discovered that all objects in space are aligned along “magnetic ropes” similar to umbilical cords, that pass the necessary energy (electricity) around the entire cosmos.

Braided Birkeland currents seen in visible and infrared light along the Cygnus Loop of the Veil Nebula

Physics, the Endless Frontier

The current understanding of how planets form and interrelate is largely flawed.

There are an incredible amount of inconsistencies and unexplained phenomena in the currently dislocated amalgamation of theories including relativity, quantum mechanics and string theory.

All the aforementioned scientific theories are ferocious antagonists that fail to explain events overlapping their individual realms. Furthermore, neither theory is able to offer a reasonable explanation of how the Universe actually operates — without over-intellectualising and running off into the technical wilderness.

Nature is simple after all, not complicated

The Electric Universe theory on the other hand, is able to explain the vast amount of unexplained occurrences observed by astronomers.

The core of the theory is that the Universe is simple, not complicated. There are not dozens of particles, but only a handful. The amount of dimensions is just plain three — not 11 like string theory contends. Dark matter is not a mysterious force driving all things, but an oversight of existing phenomena that electro-magnetism can explain.

The limitations of scientists in terms of limited senses, previous dogma and lack of capable measuring equipment, are all things preventing realistic estimations of the universe that can be proven in reality. However, the alternative view that electro-magnetism is the dominant force would deliver a paradigm shift to the scientific community and the world as a whole — but only if it is accepted as the consensus theory underpinning cosmology.

And herein lies the most daunting problem for Thunderbolts and the paradigm shift that is gradually building up steam: The scientific community has not set about finding what is true, or may be true. Science is busy confirming what people with originally diverse viewpoints can be made to believe, by way of peer-reviewed published evidence.

So until the old fogies at highly-esteemed publications such as Icarus, Lancet and Physical Review have a change of heart (and mind), the consensus view will remain that life originated with the Big Bang and got here on the back of random chance and elements colliding into each other at warp speed for the past 13 billion years.

It’s time for a rethink.

For more information on the Thunderbolts Project, click here.

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