OSIM uStiletto - The Perfect Solution for ladies who love to wear heels!

Hello lovelies! 
Have you heard about the new OSIM uStiletto?
I think I have found the perfect solution for my poor neglected feet, pardon my smug look hehe!
I had the opportunity to experience the uStiletto first hand at their launch event a few weeks ago~

OMG you gotta check out this cute macaroon cake below! 
The fairy lights and cute dessert table were so dreamy. I love the whole setup for the launch event! So much efforts and thoughts were put to it! Hehe!

Without further ado, presenting to you... the OSIM uStiletto!!
The OSIM uStiletto comes in 3 designs – Kawaii, Elegant and Homemaker (From top left to right)! I love that they have such pretty designs catering to women of different styles. Guess which is my eventual pick? I had such a hard time picking my favourite design!
  These must be the prettiest legs massager ever! At least to me it is :D

I love both the Kawaii and Homemaker design, couldn't decide between the two haha!
The Kawaii design is filled with vibrant colours while the Homemaker features the elegant floral design that is so attractive!

First up, we got to take part in a Watercolour Pencil Workshop, hosted by “Artclaytion”, during the event. She's so talented, I love her drawings and paintings!
Spot me busy colouring! Hehe! 

Using Faber Castell art materials, we learnt the basic techniques of watercolouring with colour pencils and a mini paintbrush! 
 We had the chance to create our masterpieces for the competition!

Support my final creation here

PS: I got to admit I didn't do a good job colouring, not as talented as the rest. :p Nevertheless, I had so much fun colouring this! Hahahhaa..
Here's Mel and I hard at work, busy colouring! ^_^

With all the pretty ladies in my group! 

Guess where we were led to for the second part of the event?
To experience the uStiletto!

I felt so pampered just sitting there with our tired feet being pampered by the uStiletto.
The rollers are gently massaging away all the aches and pains while my feet is kept warm with the warm air circulating within~

Especially after a whole day of work, I was all ready to fall asleep, not kidding! Haha.. that's how relaxing the whole atmosphere was! 
Think soothing music, inviting scent from the humidifier, relaxing with a cup of TWG tea, reading some magazines with a soft blanket and the uStiletto working it's magic on my feet!

Ahhh.. it was the ultimate relaxing experience!

Most amazing part was after using the uStiletto, i put on my heels again and it felt a little looser and my feet were not aching anymore! I was amazed with the instantaneous results!
It felt like magic, as if my feet shrunk by half a size! 

Now you know the go-to essential to reduce the appearance of swollen looking legs! ;)
Had so much fun with dearest Melissa! We secretly can't wait to pack a uStiletto home with us hehe!

Thank you OSIM for having me at this awesome event and letting me experience the uStiletto! It's the perfect solution for ladies who love to wear heels! 


 And my dream came true! I got to experience the uStiletto at my own leisure hehe!
 Check out how portable the uStiletto is! It's so light, you can literally lift it with one hand and shift it to wherever you want it to be! 

It's so chic it seems to fit in anywhere without looking out of place! :D
 After a long day at work in heels, all i feel like doing is relaxing my aching feet with a leg massage! Just like how I always wish I could teleport to Bangkok where I can get an affordable foot massage every night, I can now do so with the pretty uStiletto! Hehe!
It's really easy to use!
Step 1: Simply unzip the massager and slip your feet in. 
Step 2: Select the massage program you would like to use.

My favourite massage program has got to be "Beauty"!
Who doesn't want pretty and toned legs right? Hehe~

I love the Beauty program as it helps to tone and shape my legs to restore its vitality with the S-Tone Airbags.
Major love when the airbags squeeze my calves, ankles and soles to release the tension! 
Best part of all, I love that there's warm air circulating within! Woohoo~! 

I feel that this part was so awesome and brings the leg massage experience to a whole new level!

Go check it out and try out the uStiletto for yourself! I'm sure you will love it as much as i did!


Limited Period Pre-sale Exclusive: 
Use my code <OSIMKOLnu6gmy> at http://www.lazada.sg/osim1/ to enjoy exclusive offer off the uStiletto from now till 30 May!^^

The new OSIM uStiletto will also be available at the following roadshows!
Suntec City @ Level 1, Outside Gudetama Restaurant (Now till 4 Jun)
Takashimaya Interior Department, B1 (Now till 29 May) &
Causeway Point @ Level 1 Linkway (29 May – 4 Jun)

For more information on uStiletto: sg.osim.com/ustiletto-leg-massager.html
Heard that prices are only going to go up, so do grab it fast!

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