5 Tips For Being Acne Free In 2012

One of my many new years resolution is being healthy and with health also comes a healthy skin. Today I will be sharing 5 wonderful tips of how to fight and improve your acne. For some people acne is just there and they don't mind it ( like myself) but for others it may be a chronic disorder and may affect their daily lives. Hopefully by sharing these wonderful yet simple five tips it can help you improve your acne.
Tip #1

Have a towel specifically just for your face.
Having a towel specifically for your face is always a must. If you use only one towel that is for the body and the face you are spreading germs and bacteria to your face. By trying this method you will see a change in your face. Even though we dry our clean bodies with our towels when we finish showering there are dead skin cells left that you don't want to pass onto your face. Also don't forget to wash your towels the least once a week.

Tip #2
Change your pillow cases two days

Like stated above changing your pillow case every 2 days can help you keep germs,bacteria and saliva (also drool) off from your face. When you change your pillow case you are helping your skin and pores from the oils from your hair. Also in some cases dandruff which is old skin cells can also fall onto the pillow due to your hair.

Tip #3
Find a Cleanser,Toner and Moisturizer

Finding a cleanser,toner and moisturizer is very important, when buying these products there are TWO mayor things you must have in mind age and skin type. The types of skins are acneic,oily,dry, combination and normal. Also when buying these products you must always read the labels because you can't buy a product that is for someone that is 30+ when you are in you 20's. For example there are certain products that are night creams that are for elder women that contain retinol, retinol is a organic compound that is for rougher and elder skin and may cause severe burns as side effects if used on teens. If you have greasy and oily skin when buying a cleanser/toner make sure is for your skin type. Usually when you have greasy/oily skin you don't need a moisturizer and this also goes for people with acne ( usually have greasy skin that causes pores to get clogged).

Tip #4
Watch food intake

It's very important to watch what you eat because it will reflect on your body and skin. Try to keep away from greasy foods such as popcorn,fried foods,burgers and etc... I think we all know the main dishes we need to keep away from which are fast food's (never been a fan) I honestly haven't had burger king/McDonald's fast food in 2 years or more. Also one of the best beverages for your skin has to be water and coconut water (it's preferred fresh coconut water) It does magic for your skin. Try to keep away from soda's and drinks that aren't natural or contain caffeine. It's best to opt for juice instead of soda which is very unhealthy.

Tip #5

Facials...If there is one thing that will help your acne it will definitely be a facial. I know facials can be very expensive at times and each salon has variety of prices from $99.00 to $170.00. Don't worry their is a solution, if you go to a beauty school such as for example beauty schools of america ( my mother studied there) they have facial appointments for the public and it's very professional and it won't be so expensive the prices start from $20.00 and up which I find to be a much more reasonable price for just a simple facial. It would be best to have a facial every 15 days for a person who has severe to mild acne. Having a facial will help extract and unclog your pores and remove the seed to your acne. You will feel refreshed and will see a difference.
Thank you all for reading these 5 tips that I hope will help anyone who has acne or wanting to help someone with acne. Always remember that what has worked for your friends/relatives acne might not work for you because we all don't have the same skin type. Please feel free to comment and discuss, if you do try these tips please share your results. Have a wonderful and safe weekend.


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