Best Foods For Your Heart

Heart disease had the highest ranking cause of death in the world. Many healthy natural foods that are very good for the heart. To protect the heart to be healthy, here are a the best foods for your heart:


These nuts contain monounsaturated fats are high, as well as vitamin E and fiber. Unsaturated fatty; can reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. No wonder the almond dubbed as one super food is very good for the heart.



Watermelon is not only so dieters best friend, but also can protect the heart organ. People who consume 4000mg of L-citrulline (amino acids contained in watermelon fruit) can lower blood pressure in just 6 weeks.


Asparagus is a vegetable that is good for heart health. Asparagus works quickly in the blood vessels to relax the pressure on it. Asparagus can also help prevent deadly blood clots.


Broccoli is rich in vitamin K, which is required by the bones and helps keep calcium from blood vessel damage. Broccoli is also rich in fiber, and a study concluded that a diet high in fiber can help lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels.


One teaspoon of cinnamon contains high antioxidants. Cinnamon can eliminate the fat in the bloodstream, helping to prevent impurities in the blood vessels. This herb can also lower the bad cholesterol in the body as much as 26 percent.


Soluble fiber in oatmeal is able to lower the LDL cholesterol and removing it from the body. Oats are also a source of protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, thiamin, folacin and vitamin E than other types of food grain.


Containing fish oil include salmon, mackerel, and tuna. Contains omega-3 fatty acids are high. Eating fish twice a week can eliminate the risk of heart disease. These fish can increase levels of HDL or good cholesterol.

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