A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

            When learning something new or trying to understand a concept that is not familiar, oftentimes a picture or video is helpful.  At Lund Dental we are pleased with one of our newest additions to patient education called “Caesy”.

            Caesy is a series of videos that explains dental procedures to the patient using patients in a true dental setting.  The videos are short and to the point, eliminating confusion for the patient.  Before a procedure,   each patient is invited to watch an applicable video and oftentimes has most if not all questions answered.   This may be done at the time of the treatment planning or just before the beginning of the procedure.  A handout further explaining  the procedure may also be handed to the patient.  

 Children also benefit from Caesy.  While they are in the hygienists’ chairs,  they may watch one of the many videos geared to children about brushing, flossing, and a variety of other subjects. Each children’s video features monkeys, dogs and other animals helping teach children on their level and making it fun for them to learn about the dentist.

            At Lund Dental we believe that patient education is of the utmost importance.  Our use of these Caesy videos plays a large role in our accomplishing just this.

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