The Digital Technology War; Internet Black Hawk Down (A book review of Bowden’s WORM the first digital World War)

The novel conveys the extent of usage of internet in the real world were we consider it today as the internet of things.  The concept of internet of things touches the real world society’s activities from the information of your refrigerator relayed to your smartphone in your pocket.  Later this 2020 the new microchip that can be implanted in your right or left hand will allow every world citizen to conveniently relay personal data like passport information and they like that can be transmitted to any  departments in any given government or the UN as a whole.  With this concept the novel portrays the vulnerability of the information inside the government database which anybody can hack in and infiltrate the information for counter government attacks.


Chapter 1 introduce the simplicity on how to create the virus active and inactive that is deemed dormant in nature that any hour it can be active in certain area or country of the world.  This kind of infiltration will cause the transportation, military, medical system etc. of a given country to stop its routine operation due to the virus intrusion.  Portraying as virus and a cyber-bomb, these kind of computer system infiltration will somehow a reality in the future.  In this notion, I try to realize the attack of Russia in Ukraine few years ago when Russia shutdown all the government websites of Ukraine before the Russian Military Physically enter the borders of Ukraine.  The concept is simple,  Internet information today is the key information factor of every country in which getting in control of the system by putting the worm and eventually the active virus is the holy grail of government information in any country both today and in the future.

Chapter 2 discusses the technical side of information system how the worm and viruses are made in just simple programming codes. The chapter further imply that basic programming concept can be useful in a more advance coding to infiltrate the government system.

Chapter 3 & 4 reveals that suckers of internet information is anywhere around the cyber world which they call it “Remote Thread Injection”.  The term used “Ocean of Suckers” which means that the information is limited but the information hackers are unlimited.  In this two chapters, the villain’s power to suck all the government records and information is so possible.

Chapter 5,6, & 7 tells the need of creating cyber counter attack against the internet hackers to protect the interest and the information of the country.  Formalization of such department will address the cyber security need and threaten the internet information hackers and suckers.

Chapter 8, 9, & 10 delivers the complexity of world internet information in a stance of world internet information war were all the information suckers and their created viruses will be active in the internet destroying all the targeted IP’s around the globe.  Bank information for example will be corrupted even the government personal data of its citizens.  If this will happen, personal identity of every world citizen will be gone and everyone will be worth nothing.

Chapter 11 the closing of the novel reveals how the white house is vulnerable with the simple internet worm and virus.  With a simple USB drive injected in one of the desktop computers in the white house and pentagon, the virus will replicate in seconds and corrupt the whole government system in just minutes.  The conclusive chapter implies that cyber-attack is simple but brutal in nature to the whole country’s operations system.

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