Knowledge, Skill, and Science are the Achilles Heel of The Future; Google Alphabet effect

The Swiftness and Skill of Achilles

Muscle Needs Knowledge

Men always think of their future existence.  From then and now knowledge and applied skills are always the reason of human survival.  Many scientist and scholars around the world are always focusing their theories and reasoning according to the teachings of Darwin regarding the Vitruvian man and its relatedness to science and human realities.  

Few days ago Google launches the Alphabet to cater a wider scope of technology of operation not only focusing on the search engine for the end user like us but to go further with the concept that in the future death can be eliminated by technology.  Sounds impossible though and a little creepy fiction along with it but google is finding ways to fulfill the dreams of science.  The alphabet program of google is to create programs that relates to biotechnology and genetics to discover new amazing things between humans and technology.  It is now about time to think that knowledge, skill, and science are more important compared to our degrees.   

Remembering back from history knowledge and good skill will always dominated even in the field of battles long time ago.  Achilles is one of the men who presented the swiftness and gracefulness of short and perfect warfare.  Because of his knowledge and skill in warfare nations and people are asking for his help in terms of their political conflict from the story.  As such, we can strongly believe that knowledge, skill, and science will dominated from then and now and in the future of civilization.  As to the Alphabet program of Google, America will not need more hardware in their military but rather men who can transform to other creatures that a normal person cannot imagine to wrestle with.  Maybe, in the future cops will become robo-cops.  As knowledge will increase man-kind will always find ways to eliminate death, the ultimate knowledge challenge of mankind.  Do you think diploma and A grade will matter or the meat of the lesson learned in the class applied in real world problems. Think about it…….

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