Philippine Knowledge “hiccups” : The Future of Philippine Labor Force

Many literatures will show that the Philippines are one of the best academic and knowledge contributors not only in Asia but also to the world.  As a given example, many Philippine agriculture scientists from the past until today are well respected in the academe in terms of their created theorem and its actual applications. But an emerging observation not only to the academics in the Philippines but to the legislative bodies in the government house that education in the country is deteriorating in terms of the application of knowledge of fresh graduates to the actual modern business environment.  As such in-effectiveness of human resource towards the workplace (Modern Companies) will rationalize the lack of intellect and knowledge of our Philippine professionals.   The succeeding dilemma will create a question as to how the knowledge of the present human resource will be appropriate to the modern task procured by the most advance International companies operating globally.

Given the actual brief scenario of the present HR knowledge management system in the Philippines, we can effectively relate the writings of the modern writers as to how knowledge and intellect will evolve in the years to come affecting our human natural existence.  One of the known theoretical Physicist is Michio Kaku.  His scientific analysis towards the evolution of the existence of the human mind relates to the physical world and its survival.  Survival relates to the daily hard work we do in order to find means to buy food and clothing for example.  In Michio’s book the Physics of the future, portrays how mankind will upgrade the technologies as a means of tools to hasten the daily logistics in all our endeavors.  He even emphasizes the notion of modeling the brain in which computers can alter the logic of human mind into an infinite and progressive knowledge buildup which will eventually capture the level of reasoning of an average human.  These possibilities will alter not only the thinking of Robots vs Humans but also the present jobs of the people not only in the Philippines but throughout the world.  A good example of this is the IBM’s Blue Gene computer project that aims to simulate the activities of the brain.  The Blue Gene project is in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.  Furthermore, the research of Henry Markram (Blue Brain Project) shows that “it is not impossible to build a human brain and we can do it in ten years.”  If all of these will be used in the business market of today I’m sure all jobs are useless.  The next question that all public officials should ask, where will all the new graduates find their jobs?  

In a capitalist point of view all these new technologies to alter human resource is a benefit to the business organization were in machines are not subject to complains and organizational relationship problems.  The ultimate job competition of our university graduates are not the valedictorians of MIT but rather the machines that we all created.  It is called Man versus Machine.

More theoretical observations of Michio focuses on the importance of human mind that human mind is the ultimate tool of every human creature to control its habitats. The power of the mind can move mountains.  And some parts of our human brains of today are not yet used in order for us to be “super gods”. If you can remember the series “Heroes” that almost every character of that TV series has its extra god like power superior of everyone.  That kind of physical power is uncontrollable due to the fact that it is discovered by accident according to the story of the TV series.  But nevertheless, the literature of Michio suggests that mind control will transform our living in the future.  A simple example of mind control using the fundamental senses are the speech recognition, touch sensors, heat sensors etc.  These are just the beginning of the “smart cities” that we are introducing today.  In the future we will just think of our wants and our smartphones will order our basic needs in the super markets.

In the field of politics and civilization another writer “Francis Fukuyama” portrays the gradual evolution of world politics affecting civilization.  As a given example, when technology will change or technology will upgrade, war strategy will change and the military who will use the modern war machines must upgrade in knowledge in using the high technology weapon.  During the time of Hitler, his main problem is how to upgrade his tank with much power and agility.  If Hitler will load a heavy canon then the tank will move slower compared to a lighter canon.  Technology versus technology the British still won the war and it is all about technology and upgrades with the help of the allied forces.  In the book of Francis Fukuyama suggests many political theories that may deem useful during its time but not at present.  Take for example the tribal rule of law in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, Francis Fukuyama cited this scope of study during his thesis in Harvard University studying the evolution of the government and rule of law of PNG and Solomon Islands.  It shows that many beliefs of the tribes of that area is applicable during that time but not at present.  Political and academic institutions will evolve in a way how the overall stakeholders of a given country will perceive. Therefore, from Pax Romana to Pax Americana we are all aiming for peace and prosperity to all regions of the earth.

Another author who captures my interest in reading is “Yuval Noah Harari” is an historian and a professor of Oxford University and Hebrew University. His two books, “Sapiens a brief Historyof Humankind” and “Homo Deus a Brief History of tomorrow” shows the philosophical arguments and comments towards the natural human existence and its gradual evolution affecting its habitats.  His two books will relatively adhere to the writings of Professor Michio Kaku granting the fact that human mind is the ultimate weapon of the future.        Exhausting the human mind capacity will do great things more powerful than the gods. In one of his sub-topics suggest that “Organisms are Algorithm” which means that algorithm is the most important aspect in our modern world today that will serve as a useful tool in knowledge management and eventually AI that will alter the present working task of our world citizens.   Yuval Noah Harari said that “Algorithm is arguably the single most important concept in our world.  If we want to understand our life and our future, we should make every effort to understand what an algorithm is, and how algorithms are connected with emotions.”

In the case of the Philippines and the job market, nothing to worry because evolution is always right. Machines will be more powerful in the future that at one point humans will integrate with machines to stretch its full potentials in the job market.  The biggest challenge of our educators and the government is the procurement of jobs in congruent to the present acquired knowledge and skills of the overall Philippine labor force.  It is about time to consider between “Man, Moment, and Machine”. Personally I would like to commend the efforts of Senator Benigno “Bam” Aquino for giving importance in terms of Education specifically Science and Technology applied to his civic programs in our country Philippines.  

The Future of Human Resource

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