Smartphones Could Generate Own Power with New Coating.
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Touch screens are now found on most cell phones and tablet computers. Using a touch screentypically involves finger taps, and scientists at Lanzhou University in China reasoned that the mechanical energy from these motions could be converted into electricity to charge the phone's batteries, which could significantly extend the working time of these portable devices.
As the rubber solidified, the researchers used electrical fields to align the nanowires in the rubber in columns. This alignment helped set bo
th the material's electrical and visual properties.
Whenever such nanowires are bent — for instance, whenever anyone taps on the material — they generate electricity, a phenomenon known as piezoelectricity. By making sure the nanowires are lined up with one another, the researchers helped ensure that they would react to finger taps in unison, generating as much energy from the motions as possible.
When the material is viewed head-on, these incredibly narrow wires are largely invisible, and the material can look mostly transparent. As such, the nanowires "can harvest tapping energy on a screen without influencing the screen's normal working," study senior author Yong Qin, a materials scientist at Lanzhou University, told Live Science.
In addition, when the material is viewed from an angle, the nanowires interfere with light rays, which means that anything seen through the material at that angle will look blurry. As such, the material can also helpprotect a user's privacy by preventing anyone nearby from being able to peek at someone else's smartphone screen.
Electrical signals from nanowires could also help researchers develop more sensitive touch screens, Qin said.
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