President Duterte the Political Sprinter of Asia

Courtesy PresidentialCom

It seems that after the formal inauguration of President Duterte his unstoppable Implementation of his government policies are now glowing effectively across the archipelago.  Many of the untold stories inside the government circle are now in the eyes of the public.  As citizens we can decipher as to why our economy is stagnant for a long period of time.  As we can observe in our Philippine Stock Market the trust rating of the International investors are starting to build a more solid percentage.  I do hope that the stocks, bonds, and future of PSE will continue to build-up positively for the betterment of our national economy.
If we try to compare the movement of Duterte’s government policies from the previous governments in terms to the relatedness of crime and economy, we can clearly see that his government is trying to suppress crime and encourage entrepreneurial business to discourage illegal drug business inside the country.  The prime motive of the drug cartel business people is to allow the society to be hopeless in terms of financial income in every household so that the head of the family for example will have no choice except to join the illegal drug business.  Finding people to do the illegal drug business is hard when the society has enough work and food for the family.  No one wants to engage in such kind of business except when the family and the society as a whole is hopeless and in the level of economic poverty line.  Having said that, drug cartel business people can now easily mobilize their illegal business once the society is poor.
In the case of President Duterte, he is trying to pull the SME business and suppressing the illegal drug business inside the country that will allow local business people to prosper and more to that encourage building business trust from foreign investors.  As of the moment, President Duterte is “Sprinting” all his plans for the betterment of the country.  We can see as well that the President is just in office for a few days but he is sprinting so fast that the criminals can’t even have time to run.

In an International perspective, nations around ASEAN and beyond are watching and learning how Duterte can pull the people of the Philippines out of the poverty line using the campaign of Illegal drug busting.  We do hope that other agencies of the government will also cooperate to his program for a better Philippines.

Sprinting Across Philippines

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