War and International Law; The necessity of War (Gearing for Duterte Army)

Since the beginning of civilization war is inevitable in every human lives.  Some war philosophers like Sun Tzu created and formulated the “Art of War” as a theory and concept of every war strategist from then and now.  As Sun Tzu formulated those given war concepts from his book “The Art of War” we can come to a realization that war is a sign of growth of law in a given civilization.  The journal of Stephen C. Neff (2005) published by Cambridge University portrays the necessity of War to formulate new laws of the land and prevent the event of war in the future.   But until today war is not an old topic of civilization.  Even the people of the world resort to war when times of desperate public administration is at hand.  To give an example, the incident in France lately, will resort to ignite a war against the ISIS from the people of France.  From this given case, is war part of society’s growth and evolution?  Politics and War will go hand in hand were in the outburst and desperation of Politics both parties will resort to war.  As a result, after the war new treaties and international agreements are expected to be realized in order to achieve a span of time for world peace and harmony.  On the contrary, the pacific political and war controversy is again ignited in terms of the case of Spratly Island.  As far as you can recall the same case is the ultimate reason why the pacific is at war during World War 2. 

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Territorial disputes in the pacific were countries are like small clattered islands surrounding the mainland China asking for their territorial rights without knowing when is the time they can have their so called “Freedom to Travel” in their own territory of responsibility.  In relation to that notion, lately the American Navy fleet showed their military muscle in the pacific to show their allies in the Pacific like the Philippines and other ASEAN countries that the area between Philippine Sea and China Sea is an area of free trade and travel.  But as a result, political tension is still on during and after the APEC summit 2015 in the Philippines.  Is war really a necessity to exhaust the political tension in the region?  Further discussion of Stephen C. Neff (2005) mentioned the topic of “War as an institution of Law”. In like manner, the sub-topic mentioned the positive side of war in the civilization. Accordingly, Stephen C. Neff (2005) indicated that “War is an instrument of law enforcement”.  Come to think of it that until today many of the political struggles in the Philippines for example are sometimes exhausting some regional wars in the south and other parts of the central and northern Philippines.  If we only come to realize that these political struggles around the country is just an act of desperation from the people of the republic knowing that the greatest “dictator” of all time is POVERTY of the middle class going down to the poorest of the country were these people has no chance to have formal education and they will die along the streets without any penny to spend for hospitalization.  Election after election, President after president the people of the republic wants a ruler and a czar to eliminate the greatest dictator of all time “POVERTY”.

We cannot deny that with all the PR and publicity of rulers around the world not only in the Republic of the Philippines, The real “heart” of the general public will come to realize and vote for one ruler that will uplift the interest of the people. Mayor Rodrigo Duterte (#duterte2016) is a political genius that analyses and understands the need of the political and war related struggles of the country Philippines.  Sometimes, the “pictures, banners, and billboards” that world leaders and politicians are using to advertise their political platform are already obsolete in the eyes of the people that we can sometimes find as a pathetic political advertising move to convince the vote of the public.  The real political ad of every politician that will remain in the hearts and minds of the people is the life and works of a given politician from then and now.  Not only from the track record of Mayor Rodrigo Duterte (#duterte2016) but we can also relate to other politicians around the world having a reciprocal idea of civic and public service.  The new breed of politicians comes from the inner instinct to connect with the public not using only “billboards” but blood and sweat from a long public relationship that grows from the hearts of every citizen.
As a whole, War can be prevented when a proper management of public relations from our world leaders are properly respected according to the norm of humanity.  As a result, “overheating” political tension will be prevented as well as igniting another war scenario.

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