Russian Science Revolution

As the Russian society demands new technology in all walks of life, science and technology is in pressure to innovate and discover new consumer products to compete the world.  At present education and academic research is still dominated by US academic institutions.  Though, some Russian citizens finish their academic career in US and later return to their homeland after their academic program, still advance learning that directly reflects to the high technology products still favors with the US products.  

On the contrary China and other Asian countries are in the same situation with Russia.  America’s dominance in education prevails not because of the research financial funding’s that they receive but rather the openness of their minds to think that is already rooted in their culture. As such, Russian education and scientific research are in a revolution to dominate the advancement of their military equipment’s and other consumer products.  Do you think that Russian education and the rest of the world can surpass the US education? Do you think that education is one of the variables that can be considered as the reason for world dominance in terms of military technology?

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